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About Henry Mauldin

Lake County Record-Bee June 26, 1981

by Jim Wasserman


Mauldin's County History Presented Before Board


Mauldin turned half his life's endeaver to the people of Lake County Tuesday when County Historian Marion Geoble sympathically presented the board of supervisors three history-filled notebooks.


The notebooks represented a fraction of the 12,000 pages he completed on everything form early Indian trails to county cattle rustlers. Among with his writings are included 20,000 index cards containing small scraps of times gone by and the boxes of information not yet organized into files or books.


Mauldin, 80, of Kelseyville, presented the records to the supervisors relating the story of how he served as county historian with no salary for 20 years. After his short speech, he was given a standing ovation by supervisors, boardwatchers and a delegation from the Lake County Historical Society.


Board chairman Walt Wilcox said there are people now and in the future who will have a sense of Lake County history and never know who did it, long after we're all gone. Wilcox continued there will still be people who get an idea of what it was like in the place where they live.


And for that we most graciously thank you. Wilcox told Mauldin who was accompanied by this wife, Freeda.


Mrs. Geoble who at Mauldin's request replaced him as historian in October, said his writings will be kept at the annex of the Lake County Museum for people interested in research. Another set of his material is on file at the county library. She said there are four copies of his writings and three copies of the index cards around the county to prevent losing the history in a fire.

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